Here at The Eye Studio we get really excited about these new iZon HD lenses because they offer a clarity never before possible in prescription eyeglasses. By scanning the surface of the eye and picking up irregularities in shape they can actually compensate for problems unique to individual eyes, not just mathematically similar to a pre-measured "power." It's something you really have to see to believe, and it's hard as eye care professionals not to get excited about it.
Well, now there's a new reason to get excited. In a third-party testing environment, iZon has been shown to be safer for driving at night than conventional eyeglass lenses. Here's what they said:
In nighttime driving tests, using an FDA validated night driving simulator, iZon High Resolution Lenses significantly improved nighttime driving performance over conventional glasses. iZon wearers driving at 55 MPH, under glare conditions, were able to detect, recognize and react to a pedestrian in the road on average 20 feet faster. This represents a significant safety margin, and quite possibly, the difference between life and death.Read more about iZon and how you can get clearer, crisper vision at the iZon website.
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